2015 Season opens in TFF-Ülker football villages

10 Football Villages across 10 cities to coach 400 children in advanced football this year between July 29 and August 24: Izmir, Erzurum, Nevşehir, Sinop, Isparta, Sakarya, Istanbul, Erzurum, Nevşehir, and Elazığ.

10 football villages across 10 cities (İzmir, Erzurum, Nevşehir, Sinop, Isparta, Sakarya, Istanbul, Erzurum, Nevşehir and Elazığ) to coach 400 children in advanced football this year between July 29 and August 24. Consisting of two phases, coaches will first train eight hundred children (40 per camp). Of those, half will get to move onto advance training (phase two) during the last three days of camp.

The training will be tailored to cater the needs of 12-year olds. In addition to advanced football techniques, they’ll also learn about goalkeeping, game rules, and fair play, as well as how to play futsal.

Teachers from the Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation’s “Balance in Food” program will lecture the kids on nutrition. The children also get a chance to learn chess and creative drama with instructors from the Turkish Chess Federation and Ekol Drama (part of the Turkish Ministry of National Education)

The kids are also excited about the Football Village Brothers & Sisters Project (launched last year by the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG)). TOG volunteers – themselves young – spend 10 days in the villages with the kids to help them adapt.

Every kid plays 22.5 hours of football, as well as does 5 hours of creative drama, 10.5 hours of reading, 4.5 hours of chess, 1.5 hours of first aid, 1.5 hours of environmental awareness, and 1.5 hours of nutrition. There’s also time to go on tours and have fun. The kids spend about 14 hours going on field trips, watching movies, and participating in so-called “happy hour” events.

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