A complaint from Culinary Products and Margarine Industrialists Association President, Metin Yurdagül

Let’s be fair to margarine! Recently an attention-grabbing campaign has been running. It explains to the public what margarine is and is not. The campaign is being run by the Culinary Products and Margarine Industrialists Association (MÜMSAD). The president of the association is Metin Yurdagül, who is the year’s oil manufacturer. I discussed the public’s erroneous perceptions and opinions about margarine with Mr. Yurdagül. He explained that a large portion of the margarine produced in Turkey is manufactured from saturated fats. He also emphasized that even though margarine is a 100% vegetable-based product and contains no cholesterol, for years the product has been given a bad name. He also spoke about rumors that margarine contains genetically altered ingredients. Yurdagül stated, “We never use genetically altered ingredients or those that contain farm chemicals, in our production. The idea that genetically altered ingredients are being used is believed to be a fabrication that was spread by the farm chemicals lobby. I am telling what I heard.”

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