Grassroots Day celebrated

Grassroots Day was announced by UEFA and celebrated on May 25 in 16 locations throughout Türkiye with participation from nearly 1,000 players and coaches from 60 cities.

TFF organized the day with support from Ülker and 16 cities that hosted the event on May 25, namely Afyon, Adıyaman, Bitlis, Burdur, Erzincan, Hakkari, Hatay (İskenderun), Istanbul, Karaman, Kars, Kırşehir, Mardin, Samsun, Siirt, Van and Zonguldak.

This year, nearly 1,000 players and coaches from 60 cities participated in and played soccer at the Soccer for Children event, which has been regularly celebrated in Türkiye for the past three years. Ülker has been the main sponsor of TFF since 2007 with projects that allow children to play sports, while getting a chance for education and socializing. In this fashion, it has brought diversity to this event with various activities as well. Ülker made the events even more fun in Afyon, Istanbul Tuzla, Mardin and Samsun, and became a part of the celebration taking place in all corners of the country.

Zuhal Şeker: “We are investing in children who are the future of Turkish sports.
Zuhal Şeker, General Manager of Corporate Communication at Yıldız Holding, stated the primary objective of the corporation to be making a difference in children's lives and making a diverse contribution especially in their physical and cultural development
"We place great emphasis on infrastructure and, most importantly, raising a sports-loving generation. We are making an effort to educate children as well as to raising good players and sport lovers through a variety of projects we have been carrying out with the TFF since 2007. We are delighted to have reached out to over 250,000 children to date as a result of these efforts," said Zuhal Şeker.

In the mean time, TFF officials emphasized the contribution Grassroots Day will make to further expand the Soccer for Children program. They said they considered Grassroots to not only provide resources to the elite soccer league but also help people socialize and live a healthier life through soccer. Officials said children were their priority and reminded that significant strides have been made in Turkish soccer thanks to the Ülker supported Soccer Training Centers and Soccer Villages.

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