Yıldız Holding on the same platform with European food giants

Yıldız Holding has become the 21st member of the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the European Union CIAA Liaison Committee.

The application that Yıldız Holding submitted for membership in December 2008 has been approved by the Plenary Committee. Yıldız Holding’s representative on the committee will be Food and Beverages Group President Mehmet Tütüncü.

As a member, Yıldız Holding, along with other influential food companies of Europe, will play a role in making decisions for the sector.

Finally, Turkey’s leading food and Fast-moving consumer goods organization, Yıldız Holding, will be seated at the same table with the food giants of Europe. The Holding is now one of the 20 giant food producers who are members of the European Union’s Confederation of Food and Drink Industries (CIAA) Liaison Committee. As a member, Yıldız Holding is entitled to an equal vote, and can now take part in decisions and lobbying practices related to the European food industry’s scientific, economic and legislative development.   
The Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU is a confederation of the European Union formed by 25 national federations, including 3 observers, 30 EU sector associations, and 21 major food and drink companies, one of which is Yıldız Holding, all grouped in a Liaison Committee.

Yıldız Holding’s membership meets all requirements

An announcement by Yıldız Holding indicated that Foods and Beverages Group President Mehmet Tütüncü will represent Yıldız Holding in the committee.  In his remarks he said, “To become a member of CIAA Liaison Committee a company must have a turnover of over one billion Euros annually, a headquarters in Europe and commercial ties at least with five European countries. Yıldız Holding is the leading food company in Turkey and in the region. In December 2008 Yıldız Holding applied for membership in the CIAA Liaison Committee. The application for membership was approved in June 2009 and Yıldız Holding will continue to perform its duties as a member of the CIAA Liaison Committee.”

Membership requires 2/3 approval from the Board of Directors

The CIAA Liaison Committee, which was established on March 28, 2007, makes decisions and carries out lobbying activities for the scientific, economic and legal development of European food industry.
The committee was formed to conduct joint research and produce solutions for the food and drink industry’s interests, at both European and international levels. The Liaison Committee is also involved with lobbying activities that will benefit the food and beverage sector of the EU.

In order to be accepted for membership on the Liaison Committee, an application from a qualified company must be approved by at least 2/3 of the members of the CIAA Board of Directors. Member companies must attend a general meeting of the committee at least once a year and each member has a vote.

About the CIAA

The Union of Industrial and Employers’ Confederations of Europe set up the CIAA in 1982 to replace their Commission of Food and Drink Industries.  It is registered in Brussels as an international association under Belgian law. The CIAA provides the EU food and drink industry with its own independent representative. The CIAA represents all firms in Europe, whether they are large or small, and contributes proactively to sustaining growth and meeting the demands of global consumers.

The CIAA has become a favored partner of many European and international institutions, thanks to its longstanding work in accordance with the Lisbon treaty protocols on issues such as food quality and safety, nutrition and health, novel foods, labeling, agricultural policy, international trade matters, sustainable development, respect for the environment and growth of the industry.

Experts from the CIAA Liaison Committee coordinate with over 500 committees, expert groups and manufacturers from all EU countries to contribute to formulating policy for foods and consumers, commerce, competition and the environment. They contribute to establishing CIAA positions on key issues which, once approved, are then communicated to European and international decision makers.

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